Economic Development, Financing and Organization Management

We provide management and presentation services for education, business, non-profit and government organizations including customized training for private and public customers as well as social media strategy and digital resources for your business, organization or family.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Miami Heritage Tech Park Meeting in Dayton

Mike Campbell attended the meeting in Dayton. Miami University, Butler County, Ohio Development Services, Buckeye Power and the Oxford CIC were represented along with other organizations.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dick Slagle Receives Lifetime Achievement Awards and Recognition for his Contribution to the Butler County Port Authority

Commissioner T.C. Rogers presents Dick Slagle with a Butler County Proclamation. Dick received awards from the State, City and The Chamber as well. Joe Magdich Butler County Port Authority Chairman attended the event as well as Executive Director Mike Campbell.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Duke Energy Grant Check Presented to the BCPA

The Butler County Port Authority Board and Commissioner Rogers are the presented the Duke Energy Grant check by Tim Abbot.

West Chester Township Trustees Meeting

The West Chester Township Trustees had their first meeting for 2014, Tuesday evening, and elected George Lang as President. Mark Welch was welcomed and elected Vice President. Lee Wong has served several terms and was reelected in November. Bruce Jones is the Fiscal Officer. On Monday the BCPA Executive Director attended the Fairfield City Council meeting where the new Mayor Steve Miller held his first meeting.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Butler County Port Authority Board Meeting

The BCPA met January 14th and passed a 2014 Budget Appropriation Resolution and a Resolution for the Advance/Loan from the Butler County Commissioners. Tim Abbot presented a check from Duke Energy for $10,000.